Monday, October 25, 2010

Computer Drama

Good Morning!

How are you guys doing? I am having a little bit of computer drama. After school on Friday I let the kids access a learning website (funbrain) DO NOT go there, heck don't even google it. While they do have heaps of fun learning games something on that website attacked my lovely red computer and specifically the antivirus. I am now having to use my tiny red computer.  My very wonderful husband is fixing it, but what a pain in the hind end? I rely on my computer so very much. It is full of order forms from my clients and my music and since we don't have TV, it is how I get the news....not to mention it is where all my favorite blogs are

You know, now that I think about it the kids using Funbrain is how my other computer bit the dust. Note to more funbrain.

Since I am having this computer drama it is making me think more and more about the technology in our home. We don't have any Mac products....and I love how they are marketed, maybe I should investigate them a bit more. What about you? Do you use Mac or one of the others? 

Not much sewing happened this weekend. I have a ton of bags cut, but each time I got ready to work on them something happened. Such is life. I hope to have a great sewing week this week. I hope you do too!

Have a lovely day,


Emily said...

I have nothing but Mac's and that's what my husband took over with him. They are GREAT! I think the increased price of them pays itself off by not having to worry about virus software- the cost of those itself and the price of being stress free about it. With everything else that can go wrong I love not having to worry about computer issues. Plus they are so easy to use and have tons of neat things for kids too.

Sudi-Laura said...

I would echo Emily's comments above. I have a mac, and LOVE it!!! The initial price is higher than a PC,but it truly pays for itself with the lack of head/ heartache!

Anonymous said...

I have a Mac and love, love, love it! Right from the start, everything about it is completely simple -- you take it out of the box, plug it in and it just works. I have a Mac Mini, it's about 3 years old, and it's still going strong and has never had any issues. It has crashed maybe five times in three years. I don't have it, but I've heard that Apple Care is worth the cost -- it's an extended warranty and Apple customer service is excellent. The simple fact is that almost no viruses are written for the Mac OS so they just aren't an issue.

All of that said, if you are using an older Window OS (Vista or, even worse, XP) that might be the source of many of your issues. Windows 7 is a great OS and solves a lot of the security problems that older Windows versions had.

Unknown said...

I put off getting a mac for years because I had to do so many things on the PC for work. I switched a little over a year ago when parallels was released (which allows you to build a virtual PC and run any windows programs/apps on the mac). Needless to say, I now use them ONLY if I have to. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my mac and will NEVER go back.

Kristin L said...

I've had a Mac since the early 90s and love them. Originally, they were THE computer to have for creatives, and that's what I used mine for. But now, Macs do everything. I've kept each one I've owned for at least 6 years each and it's usually the software and speed that move me on to the next one -- I have yet to have a Mac die on me.

Oh, I take that back, my mom passed her Mac laptop of many years on to us when it's innards started to fade. My man replaced a part and passed the laptop on to a deploying friend who loved it so much he used his extra $$ to buy his own Mac. I then got the laptop and carried it with me from Europe to Hawaii where somewhere along the way the screen got zapped and couldn't be fixed. In all though, I think that laptop had a very full life and it was OK that it died.

I now love the way our iPod, iTouch, iPhone, laptop and desktop macs all play so well and easily together even though they are of varying vintages. iPhoto is also a wonderful application with so many possibilities.

Shea said...

Oh, Tia! Jump aboard the Mac ship. Seriously. I got a MacBook Pro in February after our second PC in five years bit the dust.

Like others have stated, the initial cost is higher, but you don't have to buy antivirus stuff on top of it and it's not going to have some cheap plastic component give out in a year like an inexpensive PC would.

At first, I was unsure about how steep the learning curve would be from PC, but there are a ton of great tutorial videos on the apple site.

And, can I gush for a minute about how awesome the iPhoto system is? I put in a SD card and it knows right where I want to save it. No opening multiple folders and telling it what to do. And, the face recognition for organizing your pics? Let's just say that it found me in the first KCMQG pic- there were 34 people in that photo!

Buy a Mac. You won't be sorry. (You can buy a refurbished one, to save some $$)

Vicki said...

Tia also consider a separate computer for the kids where it's set up for there use and has filters so it only allows access to approved sites. If the kids mess up any files, they aren't any of your critical business files. Perhaps get them a used one.

2ndAvenueStudio-Rachel said...

I have an iphone
a mini at my mom's and my mac on my desk...
Im sold.. I love it and you could pod cast...

I have no trouble but every once in a while like 1-2 times a month I get a pop up window ad... ... boo hiss

I will never go back...

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