Saturday, January 28, 2012

I made the most awesome box bag!

 A couple days ago I saw a blog tutorial on how to make a Box bag. I thought it was so fabulous! But I also thought I would be able to remember which blog I saw it on. Well....needless to say as soon as I got up from my computer I forgot where I saw it.  I had work to do anyway, so I got back to stitching away on my Duncan order ( Which is mostly finished and totally awesome! I will show you pictures next blog). Well, as soon as I put the last stitch in the baby quilt, I dug around in my UFO drawer and found this sad little improv block. I quilted it up speedy fast. Then I went looking to the blog tutorial...well, I couldn't find, but I remembered how to do it, so I just winged it.

 The kids came home from school right as I was getting ready to put in the zipper. I took a tiny break to help with homework. I find that homework goes much more smoothly if I sit down with the kids and kinda act as referee.

 Everyone was working away on spelling words and their math, and I jumped up to finish this bag. It is awesome, if I do say so myself. I plan to make a couple more, but with a pulley - handle thing at one end.

 I love the squareness of it, I love the unexpected quilting, I love the big zipper....

 It is now a DS box bag for Sam. I am sure that he will loose it or interest in it and then I will get it back. But for now it is getting some good love.

It also makes a pretty fine box bag hat!

This morning while I was surfing away on the Internet I found the tutorial!!!!! So now you can make one too. Get your zippers ready!

Oh and that is a great blog too! I love her little sheep and her frozen ice skating pond.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute box bag. So glad you found the tute! Thanks for sharing.


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