Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On insurance...

Insurance is important. We can all agree on that. Do you insure your items when you ship them? I insure my important things and I will insure orders when that is requested by the client. Well, months ago I sent my Bernina 820 out to be repaired. The Bernina shop in Kansas said it was working perfectly when it left their shop. When I took it out of the box (the original box the machine came in with all the Styrofoam and official packing material) at my house in Texas it was not working well at all. The only ones I can blame is the Fed-ex company for their poor handling of my precious machine. My machine was insured for $5,000. Now that the Bernina shop has once again repaired my machine (and apparently it is working like a dream) Fed-ex is refusing to pay the repair costs. The REPAIR costs! I am not requesting them to buy my machine, I just want my machine repaired and returned to me in proper working order. So those costs fall to me to pay. I am furious. I rarely get furious. But at the moment I am so livid that my vision blurs. I feel powerless and impotent. All I want is my sewing machine...and I want it to work correctly. I have played by the rules and I pay my bills and taxes, I am a good person and I make wonderful things, but Damn it! I hate having to beg and jump through flaming hoops to force others to play by the same rules.

I am a tiny small almost to be see through. I rely on my sewing machines like most companies rely on their employees. My machines are my employees. Right now I feel like my Camp Follower Bag and Quilts Vice President is being held hostage for ransom. Are there any available SEALS willing to go on a rescue/recovery mission with me? Or an attorney? Someone with powerful writing skills and an official looking stamp?

Due to my frustration with much "bigger and better than me" companies I will be spending the day with my old and reliable Gammill. She is a machine that I can fix by myself in my insurance claims or fancy Swiss repairmen required.


  1. That's terrible. But don't underestimate the power of the digital world to get some action. I'm thinking FedEx doesn't want bad publicity, and by putting it out here, they're getting it. Good luck!

  2. Unbelievable. I don't have the powers to help, but I wish you luck!

    By the way, I love your work ...


  3. Do you have a Twitter account? If not, I would make one and start sending messages to along with the hash tag of #FAIL (or something similar). This is just NOT right.

  4. That's awful! Some people need shooting!

  5. Utterly frustrating! Do not give up on this. Ask for supervisors until you are knocking on the CEO's door. This isn't right and it is nothing for them to pay for the repairs on that machine!

  6. Oh this sounds like the things that happen to us. I would be as stern and firm as possible and explain you will not go away... and find the right person to talk to. I read a saying the other day, "Don't take no from a person that doesn't have the authority to say YES." Good luck!

  7. That completely sucks! Don't give up. I'm sure that's what the big companies think you will do and why they play like that. Utterly ridiculous.

  8. Thanks ladies! I have called Fed-ex (who refused to speak with me because I am not the claimant) and the Bernina shop again. I feel strongly that I am getting the run around. I will be making an appointment with JAG tomorrow. Needless to say my rage has not abated this Valentine Day.

  9. Tia: Ask for a supervisor, then ask that they open a claim for your complaint and talk to a claims adjuster. Explain that your machine was entrusted to them and was in perfect working order when it was tendered to them. And to make sure it remained that way and to ensure against lost, you insured the item. You (Bernina) created a bailment - a bailment that was of a mutual benefit to both them and FedEx. Now that the machine was returned to you but was not in the same condition, they owe the costs associated with the cost to repair the item.

  10. Thank you Julie, I will use your recommendations tomorrow when I call again. and again and again...

  11. A different tact is to use the power of the internet. If you go to youtube and search "United Breaks Guitars" you will see what one Canadian from the maritimes was able to manage. One does not have to be a musician, sewing videos can also go viral, I bet.

  12. That is such a shame that a company as large a Fedex does not keep their word-atrocious!! Do not give up, I am sure that being tenacious will get you the result you want!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I will either email you or just respond here in the comments. xo - Tia