Thursday, May 10, 2012

2 GREAT books!

 Hey there! How are you all doing? I hope you are good. Things are really really busy around here. It just dawned on me that we are moving NEXT MONTH! Moves always tend to sneak up on me, and this one is no exception. I am excited about it, but boy has time flown.

I have 2 books to chat about in this post. See the one above? I LOVE this book. It is one of my very favorite quilting books (QUILTING not Quilt Making). Well it was all but impossible to get here in the States. I had to order my copy from Wales! Well, Marjorie Horton emailed me out of the blue one day with the shortest email ever. "Hey there. I love Welsh Quilting too." That is it...but when I saw who the email was from I replied instantly asking her where I could find some of her books. They sure would be handy for my students to buy when I teach Welsh Quilting. We went back and forth with the emailing and I finally talked Marjorie into having her books reprinted. Marjorie is the nicest lady! I have had such a great time exchanging emails with her. I really want her book picked up by a big publisher so she can make a fortune on her wonderful knowledge and techniques...but she explained that she really just wanted to keep it low key. This was just meant to be a handbook for her to give to her students when she taught Welsh Quilting. This is her blog post about the book. Anyway, I bought several of her books so I have some if you want to buy them. I have them listed on Amazon, so you should order one if you want to be OVERWHELMED with quilting inspiration. I am saving some because I intend to teach Welsh quilting when I move back up to Kansas.

 This is the other book! Wonderful Gwen Marston. I think all of Gwens books are filled with knowledge. I love quilt books, but some are only for flipping through once and then sitting on the shelf, but all of Gwens are books that I read from cover to cover and then mark up the margins and venture out onto new quilting pathways with. I love Gwen Marston. I have said it before and I will say it again...she changed my quilting life, she opened my eyes to make me REALLY love quilting. I don't want to sound like a freak, but if Gwen is making the Kool Aide, I am going to line up to drink my fill. She knows everything about quilting.
This book begins with Gwen taking a look at Martha Washington's Medallion Quilts. You have to respect a First Lady who quilts.

 Oh....and did I mention that I have not 1...but 2 quilts in Liberated Medallions! Yes indeed!  Two of my favorite quilts are in this book.  "Flower Pot" and "Heaven and Earth".  I made both tops while I attended Gwen Marston's Beaver Island Quilt Retreat back in 2010. My mom came with me. I had such a great time. I had a wonderful time just being with my mom, and swimming in Gwen Marstons Sea of quilt inspiration.

 What a thrill to see my quilts in a book. Both quilts are quite loved around the Curtis Casa.

 See, here is "Heaven and Earth" now, in action. Folded over the back of the sofa half hidden by laundry that needs to be folded.

 Liberated Medallions is filled with great quilts and fantastic tips. Each time you open the book you are sure to learn something.

 And...the next quilt I make will have an applique Horse in it. t just will. You wait and see!

 Gwen, thanks for putting my quilts in your book. I am so happy and boy am I in good company. I will come quilt with you again some day!

This is my finish for the day. It is a going away present for some one special.  I do love quilting these Texas Flag quilts.



  1. I recently got the Welsh quilting book. Gwen's new book is on my list. I'll probably wait until I get to retreat in September though.
    I LOVE the quilting on your Texas quilt. Really, really great.

  2. Tia, I think we must be kindred spirits, Gwen Marston is in my top 5 authors for sure. She'd be #1 but has to share that spot with English quilt historian, Dorothy Osler. I didn't know about her new book, thanks for the heads up!!! I'll be ordering it soon along with her book 37 Sketches. Keep up the passion! Marjorie H

  3. Like like like. It's all so good. :-)

  4. bravo tia. your heaven and earth quilt is one of my all time fave quilts. congrats!
    cant wait to get this book. hrm how can i get it signed??? :o)

  5. Just ordered one of the few left at Amazon. Thanks. I have been planning on using Welsh designs in my quilting and this will help.

  6. Congratulations on having your beautiful quilts included in Gwen's book! I love how she honours her student's work that way. She is inspiring to no end and I hope, hope that one day I will make it to Beaver Island before she retires! Her books are my favs and I love everything you make in the liberated style, Tia.

  7. Just pre-ordered Gwen's book. I'm excited about it!!!

  8. Oh Tia congratulations!!! How exciting! I adore your quilts and your easygoing, carefree fun style. Anytime I feel overwhelmed with a project I often find my way to your Flickr for some Tia campfollower therapy LOL! I need to find a copy of this book :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I will either email you or just respond here in the comments. xo - Tia