Sunday, June 24, 2012
It is getting ready to happen
There are 3 Featherweights and 2 301s under that table. And my little Bernina. And all my wonderful wall-hangings and doll quilts, and a half finished Welsh Medallion quilt, and my trim bag....and my daughters cat. I wonder if I will actually bring a sewing machine with me? I normally do, so in all actuality I probably will...all our stuff will go in storage for a while (giving us time to rip up all the carpet and put down wood floor!!!! I can't even express in English how THRILLED we are to be moving into our OWN that we might live in for more than 3 years. I can't wait. KCMQG here I come! Oh and have I mentioned that my husband has never actually seen the house we are buying? Nope. just internet pictures. He is trusting me. But I have pretty good taste, so he should.).
Before the breaking down of the sewing room I put the last stitches in this and a quilt for a book...I can't say whose book...nor can I show the quilt. That makes me sad because the quilt is pretty is the way I quilted it, if I do say so myself. So this is a book cover.
I made it for one of my husband's soldiers. It is for a girl soldier, not a boy one...just so you know. But she ate deer at some BBQ recently and was going on about how great the taste was, so I gave her a deer on the back.
It fits the little green Military issue husband loves these books (I bet your man has one too), well I don't know if he loves them, or maybe he just keeps his notes in them. That is probably it. I will make him a book cover out of manly fabric when we are settled in Kansas. I made him a Kindle cover...have I shown it here on the blog? I don't think I have! Let me dash upstairs and get it.
These are our Kindle covers. Mine is the one with pink and his has unit patch on the front and trees because he likes the forest. He wore ACUs (the grey uniform) when he was with 4 ID, so that is what I put on the front.
The back has some of his other unit patches with the BDU becauase that is what he wore when he worked with them. I did make the fabric with Spoonflower. Fancy huh?
OK, I need to go make dinner for the kiddos. We are trying to just eat what is left in our cupboards and fridge. It makes for some pretty funny meals.
Packing stuff can be quite an adventure, like finding treasure, who knows what is stowed away in those drawers and boxes? I hope you find more thread treasure, and that your Bernina starts behaving! I am loving your Kindle covers, I must make one of these, my kindle is wrapped in an old FQ of fabric, mhm...