Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More home renovation

So more painting, this time with helpers....Stu working hard on the floor and the movers calling us everyday wanting to deliver our stuff.  It is all coming together!


  1. OoOoh you have some fabulous features, loving that panelling, and that blue on the walls is so pretty!

  2. Woo Hoo, isn't moving fun! I can't wait to move across country in a few more months.

  3. I can't believe how fast you folks are moving! Are you sleeping? Are you eating? Can I borrow your children???

  4. Looks like a lot of progress made!! Awesome!

  5. i love seeing the progress on your new home!

  6. Oh YAY!! coming together fast!! Am lovin that floor.. isn't it great to have that in?

  7. Tia, As I was looking through your amazing pictures, I looked at the one of your downstairs with the woodstove again and I thought I might throw a little tidbit your way. You can take it or leave it. We have a woodstove in our downstairs and because of the bends in the pipe and the distance the smoke has to rise, we've had to be really careful to keep the chimney relly clean because the smoke cools and the chimney can easily buid up the stuff that can cause a chimney fire. We've had two chimney fires in the past 30 years. The first was the worst and after the 2nd, a stainless steel liner was installed which is much safer. Anyway, you might want to get it inspected.

  8. It’s good to see that your two boys were helping out with the renovation. You guys looked very serious painting the walls. Well, that is a good start for them to have some knowledge about home renovation. Also, Stu was really working very hard on the floor. You have a very nice family coordination with this renovation. Well, good luck!

  9. Home renovating is the new family bonding! :D It’s nice to involve everyone in the actual process. It’ll give you a lot of stories to share once the whole thing is over. And no one would be left out. :D In truth, the kids aren’t considering that real work. Nevertheless, always put safety first. Stu looks like a pro installing the floor tiles there. Good luck! ;)

    Alana Rascoe


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