Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hey there

 So, Hey. Things sure have been busy around here. We have even had our first storm. Howling winds, punishing hail and rain. Wonderful rain. That is a picture of some of the hail in the backyard...not the best shot I know. But we were all really excited and Stanley the dog was really distressed....the storm even ripped our side storm door right out of the door frame taking a large chunk of wood. So, my handy husband is fixing that today.

I also have a bit of a storm going on in my real life and I need prayer warriors. I know you all are out there and I need you. My mom needs you. about 20 years ago my mom had a brain tumor, she had surgery and after a long recovery she healed. Well, her tumor has returned and she will need to have surgery again. I am not ready for her to go yet. I still need my mother. My sisters need my mom and my dad needs my mom. I can't imagine my life without her. Needless to say there has been a gallon of tears and a sense of helplessness. I have been distracted and so has my home. When we know more I may be able to fly out to North Carolina and help with the recovery....This is the most difficult thing about being a military family. I am far away when I am needed and with my husband's schedule I can't just leave.

 Before I found out about my mom there was some happy sewing going on down in the basement. I painted the wall behind the long arm and I will add some clouds so I can pretend I am sewing outside. I can't show the quilts I am working on now because there are for a book. A fantastic book being written by a fabulous lady. Ike is helping by generally being in the way.

 School started for the kids on Thursday! Can you believe it? Already back to school. The school the kids are going to is fantastic. The teachers seem to generally enjoy teaching and actually teach subjects instead of just teach to test like they did in Texas. There is a science lab, which all 3 of my children were thrilled about and they have a real art teacher with her own room. I shall be helping out there...just hanging pictures. Oh and Emma will have her own iPad to use in classes. I don't even have an iPad. Fancy pants, huh?

 Ethan picked these big juicy caterpillars off my parsley plant and stuck them in a pickle jar. After they ate all the parsley they were given, they turned themselves into cocoons and then transformed into butterflies.Now they are free and doing their thing out in the yard.

 I also made my block for Quiltcon. Which I brought to KCMQG. I am a real member now, and I will be teaching a free motion quilting class with them next month. I can't wait.

 I used ACU as the centers for my block. It won't win, but I hope it goes into a quilt that someone can love.

 This guy is making French Toast.

 I am trying to ground my mind with quilts.

 I went to Sarah's Fabric in Lawrence, Kansas yesterday with Kelly. Thanks for hanging out with me Kelly! If you have never been to Sarah's it is a real treasure trove of any fabric you can imagine. For real. It is most definitely worth the trip, and the town of Lawrence is great. I have no real NEED for fabric, but I went looking for some of Denyse Schmidt's new line Chicopee, but when I saw the cost per yard I had to put it back. Fabric is getting so expensive. I understand why, cotton crops failing and all that, but still a dollar is a dollar and I need to save for a new computer. I decided instead to get shot cottons. I love them...I am sure I always will.

 I did get 2 jelly rolls of Chicopee from Marmalade Fabric. It is really a great collection, it is quite similar in attitude to Hope Valley, but a tad more serious. I actually have a plan for these jelly rolls already...I just need to find a bit of time.

And I have been writing in margins of books. I like to do that.

OK, so if you are still with me, thanks for hanging out. I hate to be down on my blog, but that is somehow life is. There are so many awesome things happening in my life, so many blessings and so much I want to share with you.  I am just worried about my mom.


  1. I am sending all the positive energy and healthy thoughts I can in your mother's direction - hang in there!
    I love that triangle quilt in the book - it has made me realize exactly what i want to do with a stack of FQ sitting on my shelf - I knew I wanted an Amish feel, but wasn't sure what.
    How exciting for the kids to be in a school where the teachers care - they will learn so much more. Beautiful butterflies, another great experience!
    Take care

  2. sending you lots and lots of love and best wishes, and thinking happy thoughts all day long for your dear mum, keeping all my digits crossed she will be just fine x

  3. I will keep your mom in my thoughts! I know how hard this is for you, but remember, she beat this once, she can beat it again!

  4. I remember your mom from Gwen Marston's retreat. A wonderful positive woman who raised a special set of kids.

  5. Oh Tia, that's awful news... I do hope the operation is going to be a success, and as you know it has been done before and turned out ok, there is every chance it will this time too. Your mum, you and your family are in my prayers and I'm winging positive thoughts over the oceans. How about designing a quilt especially for your mum? I know you probably haven't got the time but in those lost moments you just can't do anything anyway as it plays on your mind, you could weave all your positive wishes into a quilt. (and as you know designing and sewing is soothing as it allows your mind to be busy but still wander so it might help). Much strength for all xxxx

  6. hey Tia - had the joy of meeting your mom at Gwen's retreat a couple of years back - please tell her that I am thinking of her and wishing safe Passage through the stretch ahead - Laurie(quilter/ nurse from Santa Monica)

  7. Hi Tia,
    I'm sending prayers and cyber hugs for your Mum and family. I hope the surgery goes well and that you can visit her during her recovery.
    Hugs, Jan Mac


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I will either email you or just respond here in the comments. xo - Tia