Sunday, September 16, 2012

Plugging along

So, Hey there! I must be the worst blogger ever. Life has been happening I tell you. My Emma turned 11. That is so hard to believe. I love her, but I really love the young lady she is becoming.

We went to the Renaissance Festival last week and since it was the Highland Games weekend Emma wore my kilt. It was my mom's before me. She bought it in Scotland when she was pregnant with me. I love it that it fits Emma. It is the Hume (Home) tartan. We are Scottish and Welsh on my dads side.

We went to the circus last night for her birthday. Here the kids are near the Sprint Center in Kansas City.

These pictures are out of order...but these are the cakes I made for her Birthday. I made 24 cupcakes as well for her class...also rainbow. I got the idea for rainbow cakes from Pinterest. I adore many great ideas there. These cakes are in half pint jars, and they were too much cake for me to eat, but the kids plowed through theirs with no problem.

We loved the Circus. The elephants were great.

The tigers were probably Emma's favorite. I sense training in Ike and Ellie's immediate future

 What do you think? Do you think these guys look like they want to roll over and prance around on their back legs? I don't think so...but Emma has big plans for them.

So, today we relaxed at the house. I read a book on the back porch and the kids explored the yard and back field. It was pretty much a perfect day.

Oh and I have 2 of the Camelot Quilt blocks done now. These round blocks are surprisingly soothing to make and not quite as hard as I thought they would be. I will probably redo the one on the left...or at least in my mind I would like to redo it, but I am so pressed for selfish sewing time these days that it will probably look just like this one when it goes into the final quilt.

Just in case you are curious my mom had her surgery on the 10th. Everything went wonderfully and the tumors were removed beautifully until recovery when her brain began to bleed. The bleeding caused seizures. She is being heavily dosed with medication to try to control the seizures.  She will be in Rehab for a couple weeks until she is stable enough to return home. She still needs your prayers if you have the time and inclination. Thank you in advance. I wish I could be there with her or at least with my dad. My husband will be returning home for a bit towards the end of the month, so maybe I can go home then. We shall see.

OK, have a wonderful rest of your weekend and I hope you find time to make something special for someone you love.



  1. Sending good vibes and hugs to mom for a speedy recovery. Emma is only 11?? I would have put her at 13 or 14. She's such a lovely young woman. Your quilt blocks are great!

  2. Thanks Sarah. Yep Emma is just 11. But somedays she acts like she is much older.

  3. If Emma has any success with cat training, I have four cats and that would be enough to put an act together. One of them, my 15 year old ginger cat thinks he's a lion or tiger. Great pictures. Thanks for the update on your mom.

  4. Happy Birthday to Emma.
    Your blocks are amazing.
    Know how hard it is not to be with a sick loved one. Hugs and prayers for you and your parents.

  5. Emma is such a peach, so like her mama, and your puss cats, ow, so adorable! I am totally digging the rainbow cake, recipe pleeease?


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