I hope you guys are doing well. We are. Our stuff is still not here and no one seems to know where it is other than it is "in route". So, if you see a big moving truck filled with great fabric and our furniture can you please direct it to us here in San Angelo.
In the mean time we have been exploring our new little town. We went to Fort Concho the other day and looked around. It was pretty neat to see what this area used to be like. Stu and I have been having date nights since the kiddos are in VBS in the evening. Last night was a really fun one. We went to Leddys Boots last night and looked around. Holy cow. If you want some awesome boots and have about $2000 to spend this is the place to come. They have made boots for Elvis, and all the presidents (with the exception of the current one - and they will be not offering him any either ). They do fittings of your foot to make sure the boot is perfectly fit to your foot. You can select whatever leather you want....oh it is glorious. I wonder if I can make her a quilt for a set of boots....my new friend across the street is making her some paintings for some boots. After looking around the boot shop we went to a really neat little blues diner (Sealy Flats ) and listened to a fabulous little blues band and had fun dinner. We are having fun exploring San Angelo.
So without further ado.....here is our new house.
Here is Emma's room.
This is the living room.
Here is our kitchen. I almost knocked myself out the other day on that tall counter. I have a big goose egg on my forehead....my 5 year old and I look alike in that matter. He is always running into things, I guess I am too.
Here is my sewing room! What do you think? Not bad, huh? I can't wait to get all set up. through that door is a massive utility / laundry room I never have to take down my ironing board!
- I have to register my business with them.
- For $250 I can rent the community center and teach classes, but I can't charge anything for the people who are taking the class.
- We can't hang flower baskets or anything else from the dwelling.
- We are responsible for getting rid of all the spiders and fire ants (and there are a zillion of both)
There were a bunch of other things that I can't remember....so I started asking questions. In a really rude manner. Unnecessary rudeness. I am not normally rude, so I can't control it when I set it free.
I demanded to know if I could have chickens. (I don't know where that came from. I have never had chicken before and really would have to do a great deal of research before beginning such an endeavor) The lady looked at me like I was a crazy person. My husband did too. I told her that chickens make great pets, they eat your rubbish, eat spiders and you can eat them and their babies when you feel like it. A fine pet. One you can eat.
I really couldn't believe what came out of my mouth. Moving insanity. Needless to say I am not allowed to have chickens. I think it is funny now. Funny and quite embarrassing. But I also think it may be the reason my truck is missing (payback for bad behavior on my part).
I hope you all have a great day and keep your eyes peeled for our moving truck. It is lost.
Ha ha ha Tia... chickens!! Where do you get the idea from !! SO funny!! I bet that lady thought you'd gone round the bend! But I agree with you... why the heck can you not hang hanging baskets? That is so unfair... it'd be just the thing... Can you put down troughs with flowers on the porch? maybe you should go back to that lady and ask... rofl.... Hope your truck turns up soon! Best of luck xx
Fellow former IB Resident - I nearly died of laughter at your chicken comment. I too am missing my truck - it's stuck in Abilene, not really on the way from Leavenworth, to Bliss...but I'm rolling with it. We signed for housing on Saturday - with promises of blinds to be installed no later than Tuesday (they weren't). Our truck was supposed to be here yesterday - maybe it will get her tomorrow. I think I'll go to housing and try the chicken thing...although I probably couldn't do it without laughing! :)
I have 2 of the 3 blinds I was missing - still no truck, but we'll be camping out here tonight.
Hope your truck (and mine) show up soon so we can both regain our sanity...and humor!
Chris (316-1)
You know Tia, you crack me up! I was never "lucky" enough, thank you Jesus, to live in military housing, but I have heard stories. I am sitting in front of my keyboard with snot all over it from laughing...omg, chickens? I have 25 full size chickens and 5 bantams. I live in NE Texas and would love to come visit. Unfortunately, I cannot come without my chicken children. Can I spend 2-3 weeks, lol! Yes, you can visualize Ma Kettle in this one! Chickens? I'll keep an eye out for your truck girl, and just so you know, you made my husband laugh too! Good luck, Elaine
(no, I cannot visit, but the idea is fun, eh?)
Oh dear! you did make me chuckle though, but did you get an answer? When we moved to Fort Carson I was told I couldn't hang my washing outside on a line I went on a little tirade too! They blamed it on me being English! Hope your furniture turns up soon. Karen x
:) Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
Your house looks like it'll be a very spacious and cozy place.
Maybe you should get big barrels and saw them in half to put plants in. Any rules barring barrels?
So dang funny!
And yes, the whole "whoopadeedo! we're a civilian company with ballons!" thing drives me up the wall too. The ONLY good thing about it is that you don't have to pay a cleaning team blackmail money to get out of the house when you leave - you just walk merrily out the door.
I had to lol when you said pets to eat. That poor lady must think you are crazy.
House looks nice. hope your stuff arrives soon.
i get a little crazy during moving too! it's alright lol
i think we have spent a small fortune on air mattresses! we finally splurged on one that didn't leak ***as often*** hahhahha.
good to give the housing folks some he*(! privatized housing uses up all of our BAH! and you can't even put up hanging baskets! bah!
:) but welcome to your new home! you're going to make it homey and cozy and just yours.
FYI, here on Schofield Barracks one can get a short term "chicken waiver" if one is homeschooling (to do that whole incubation/hatching biology lesson). Maybe you COULD have chickens. ;-)
Glad to see that your truck showed up!
Oh Tia you bring back memories! I nearly split a side laughing! We didn't have air mattresses...we had sleeping bags! No civilian housing when we did it, just CE...:-( I think the craziest thing we ever had to do was to scrub the OUTSIDE of our unit, including the underside of the front and back porch) to remove all mold & mildew! That's hard to do when the humidity was nearly 90%all the time (at least when it wasn't raining!). LOL at least the hurricane went thru 2 weeks before we had to move out so the ladder was stable enough to stand on.
When we were in TX we got the fire ants and scorpions not taran-tulas. Not sure which one is worse. Thankfully, my kids were old enough they didn't consider them pets.
Glad your stuff is finally there and in good condition. Enjoy your new home.
A retiree's wife w/16 moves under her belt
LMAO - chickens! I have just found your blog and have been reading through the archives and just had to comment on this entry - too funny! I totally empathize - when we sold our house, bought a new one and shifted into within a 6 week span recently i turned into the psycho beast from Hell! I did not like it one bit but seemed powerless to stop it until we got settled in to our new place and I could just take a freakin breath already!!! Glad to know I am not alone (and I swear I am not moving again for a reeeeeally long time!).
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