Greetings from Ft Leavenworth, Kansas! We made it safe and sound. Not only did we make it safe and sound but we already have our new quarters. Well, new to us. They were actually built in 1902 and were originally used as an Infantry Barracks. Housing asked us while we were still in Australia which neighborhood we wanted to live in. I asked my girlfriends who were already living there or had lived there in the past for their recommendation. Nicole and Kerri both recommended Infantry here we are.

Inside, the quarters are deceptively large with high ceilings and entirely floored with wonderful old wood. This view is of the Dining room, Living room and what will be my sewing room in the distance. Oh all that lovely sunlight! As soon as we signed for this apartment I opened all the blinds and don't plan to close them until we move out. Now, I just need a couple Roman blinds strategically placed so Stu and I don't embarrass the neighbors.

This is the view from the Sunny Sewing room back through to the Kitchen door (the boys are in front of the kitchen door). I love the old radiators, so much charm. The kitchen is pretty small, but I am sure it will be fine. We are excited to have a gas range again. I plan to set out some window boxes on the fire escape so I plant a little herb garden.

Look at that long hallway! There are 2 count them 2 walk in closets off the hallway. One will be my fabric closet.

Here are some of the windows in the Sewing room. It will be like sewing in a tree house. Oh, and there is an attic too. I am not supposed to go up there, but I sure as shooting am going to explore it!

This is the view from the front door. There is a steep stairwell that leads down to the main entrance to the building. My arms are killing me today from catching myself as I almost plunged to my death yesterday. That is what I get for clomping down the stairs in my heels, hey?
In a nutshell I LOVE it! I can't wait to get all my lovely furniture and dishes and STUFF. I can't wait to nest and get all set up. I know we will be moving again in a year, but I am so happy to be here. The post is lovely. All the old buildings....even the old penitentiary is neat looking. It is so green here and so many trees. Alice had lots of trees, but these are the ones I grew up with...Oaks, Elms, Maples, and Apple trees.
I have spent the morning cleaning up a bit as the apartment has been empty for the past several classes. Seems like there used to be quite a few very romantic lady bugs who were brutally murdered, but I guess a thousand dead lady bugs are better than a thousand live wasps....right? Gotta look on the bright side.
I want to post about my
Necchi sewing machine and my doll quilt I made for
lucyellen sometime this week....we will see what I can get together.
Infantry Barracks!! You are so fortunate. Enjoy the short tour and see if the museum on post is still doing an annual quilt fundraiser.
Infantry Barracks!! You are so fortunate. Enjoy the short tour and see if the museum on post is still doing an annual quilt fundraiser.
Infantry Barracks!! You are so fortunate. Enjoy the short tour and see if the museum on post is still doing an annual quilt fundraiser.
Welcome home! My man and my first apartment together was a one bedroom in what was originally military housing in Virginia. It hadn't been military housing since probably the 1960s, but the area looked a lot like your Flickr views from the fire escapes look. Brick colonial style. We loved it. Since we joined the military though, we've never been asked where we'd like to live -- always been told where to go (and what fate would befall us if we said no). I'd definitely say yes to your place. Sewing in a treehouse will be so fun after arid Australia!
Your new digs look very large and bright indeed.
I look forward to seeing the goodies you whip up in that sewing room.
Warm regards for you and your family in your new home.
This is military housing? Wow! It's WAY better than any I have ever been in! I am so jealous of your pretty flooring and walls.
Who knew Infantry Barracks could be so cool! Love your new digs!
Wow Tia, that looks great! Didn't realize you were in KS..I'm in KS now as well..Ft. Riley!
oh I can 't get over how lovely that is! Lucky you! Love those floors!
Welcome home!
It looks really lovely Tia! White walls and timber floors - that's exactly my plan for our new home. Your sewing room looks gorgeous - those trees!
Any ghosties?
Oh - and why aren't you allowed in the attic????
I hope you'll be really happy there! Once you're in with your own furniture it will be "home" in no time as when you , your family and your stuff are all in it and happy, it's home wherever you are! (says she who moved every year for 7 consecutive years... you just gotta make it work from the word go, otherwise you run out of 'settling in time'!)
wow, certainly better than the army house we were in lol. Looks fab I would too be itching to get all my stuff out :) Karen
beautiful appartment!
I have been following your blog since I sent you 2 stars for your project and I was pleasantly surprised to find you yesterday at my local library! You were in a Country Woman magazine!
Enjoyed your post very much. Is it exciting or annoying to move so often?
What lovely airy rooms and shiny floors!! It will be like living in a tree house with a lovely view too. Have fun!! Gail
I lived on the second floor of an old white house in Massachusetts and there were always dead ladybugs--tons of them--on the floors. No one was spraying to kill them or anything. It was a complete mystery. Then someone said it happens in old white houses. Why, I do not know.
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