To fool around with my "new to me" Necchi sewing machine. I bought it off eBay and fiddled a bit with it in NC with my mom. She had tension issues. Mind you they were all my fault because as soon as I took her out of the box I tightened all her knobs not knowing what any were. Duh. Oh well I have finally got her tension and threading figured out. She sure is a powerful little thing. I have a pretty good plan for her too! See under the table in the big Laundry basket?

Yep...they are hides. I am going to make a couple leather bags! Well, leather and fabric-maybe some BDU? Who knows. I will have to find a source when theses hides get used up, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I have another design sketched out, I just need to get a better Leather needle for Nellie.

This is what my sewing room looked like yesterday morning...still a long way to go, but very usable right now. Very usable and very peaceful.

On a different note we are going to look at these guys this evening to see if any of them want to come live with us in our tree house apartment. They belong to a
Selkirk Rex breeder here in Kansas who is moving and purging her breed stock. I miss Herman quite a bit, so I need warm furry body to take his spot in the scrap bin. We went to the Vet clinic on post yesterday afternoon to look at dogs for adoption, but each was a version of a black lab (it was almost like they were doing breed experiments with black labs. "OK, today we are going to cross the black lab with a basset hound, pit bull, Shepard and a giant schnauzer and throw that fluffy thing in the pin too.") and as awesome as labs are I just think it would be miserable to make him live up in an apartment without a big yard to run around in. Although that Lab/basset was pretty darn adorable and the old lab schnauzer was great too.
For those of you wondering what happened to Herman (the Aussie cat) he is living with some neighbors from the street behind us. It just cost so much to ship him back to the US and then board him until we were settled. I know that probably makes me a horrible cat mom but I am still "evolving" (That is the word I learned from registering the kids for school here and filling out their assessment forms). He is still happily hunting native mice, laying in the sun and stalking parrots and there are no kids in the house placing him in closets.
lol...experiments with labs.
good luck with your cats. they all look cute and fluffy, almost curly haired.
Oh my goodness I am in total love with those cats! They are so adorable. I have never seen one of that breed befors.
You have a really LARGE sewing room. How many cats are you going to bring home?;O)
I look forward to seeing the picture of your new kitty.
Oh the cats were so lovely! I can see how women become cat ladies. We did come home with 2 cats. Ted and Ellie. Ted will be having a surgry to remove his testes asap...I can't have him getting his sister preggo. They are exploring the house and getting used to everything. Ellie has already staked her claim in my rocking chair. Best seat in the house.
Glad you found two new kitties. Have to look which is which! Herman will be fine in Australia. He is where knows it and didn't have to freak out in a box in the hold of the aircraft... Best thing! So nice when the rooms are starting to get populated! Happy sewing!
Herman would have hated the time spent in boarding/quarantine, he's best off staying with people who love him and appreciate him like you did.
How's Kansas treating you?? Love the wood floors in your new home. Makes it easy to clean up scraps and pins!!
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