Thursday, May 22, 2008

Back to normal

Here is one of the latest sets I have completed and shipped off to it new home in NY. Carry it in Health and Happiness! This bag has so many great details. When I am working on a bag or set I get so lost in the creating of it that I loose track of time. Well, this was definitely one that I got lost in. I love the soft powdery colors and the way the gray and blues blend with the DCU. I think I have about 15 hours of work in this set. More if I include the cutting of uniform and fabric. It is a great set. I have a bunch of other great sets on the table right now. 4 School backpacks included. Those will be fun. I also am working on a really fun anniversary quilt. It is going to be wonderful too.
Here are my ballistic glasses, courtesy of my dear husband. He had a couple pairs while he was in Baghdad last time and when I came out of my sewing room one evening with my hand over my eye he just about tossed my sewing machine out the window. So we came to an agreement that I would wear the glasses when I do my more heavy duty sewing. I am happy I have them, because there are lots of dings on the lenses and they are all put there by richoceting (I know I have spelled this wrong, but spellcheck is not helping me out here) needle shards.
We had taco night for the second night in a row last night. I made flour tortillas for the kids and they had a great time rolling them out. This is my 5 year olds tortilla and he was thrilled that it turned out looking like Australia. Speaking of Australia, there are lots of these massive Black Cockatoos flying around town lately. Really incredible birds. I will start carrying my camera so maybe one will cooperate and pose pretty for me.
All 3 kiddos stayed home from school today with something....fever and bellyaches, and the biggest dark circles under their eyes. Well, Emma decided it was a good time to make her dream purse. She even sketched it out for me. I do that when I am working on a new design, I was so stunned to see her do it too. Well, I guess I really shouldn't be stunned, she is my little clone. We had gone to "Novita's Gifts" on Sunday. That store should be named the really expensive gift shop to buy yourself something nice when you are spending your 10 year anniversary by yourself...and your 3 kiddos. Anyhow I went to find a big basket (which they were out of) but I told my tribe that since they were all so good they could pick out something special. Ethan and Sam had no trouble picking out a little teddy bear apiece. Emma on the other hand wondered around the store examining everything. She finally settled on a $450 dollar beaded evening bag. Leave it to her to pick out one of the most expensive "little" things in the shop. I had just selected on of the other most expensive things (a $250 arrangement of rubber Hyacinths) I decided I would just go get some bulbs and force my own flowers. Emma took some convincing that we could make a similar wallet at home since I had some of the stuff. I ordered the hardware last year to make a couple and maybe sell them in my shop, but the instructions were in Japanese. They went into my box of things to do someday. Well sir, The Purl Bee has a great tutorial so Emma and I went to work and this is what we came up with. I am pretty pleased with the first go round....the next one is going to be more campy.

Well I need to tidy the house up a bit since my husband is enduring the flight from FT Meade to Sydney at the moment. I hope it is uneventful for him. FYI Qantas is a great airline if you are ever down this way. Really remarkable customer service, pretty good food, all kids get an activity pouch and they have the flight planned that you really sleep for most of the flight and jerk awake about 4 hours out of Sydney. Maybe they cut some of the O2 to the passenger compartment. That happened to me on a big old C5 AMC flight when I was returning from a MEDAVAC (back when I was an Army nurse, not the bag maker I am today). But I woke up after loosing about 6 hours of my life and had to move a drooling woman off of me and climb over other passengers lying in the floor and slumped against one another. I had to I made my way up to the potty and on the way back to my seat noticed 2 of the flight crew passed out as well. Not the pilots (since they are under the passenger area and in an entirely different area of the aircraft) who knows what those dudes were up to. I made it back to my seat and passed out again. Truly a strange flight. See how smart I would be if I wouldn't have lost all that oxygen to my poor brain. I blame my kids for sucking my intelligence out of me, but it is really the Air Forces fault.


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