Now that we are halfway settled I have found a couple moments to make a couple things...

Start on a new quilt - it will be a fairly traditional quilt but with a twist.
These blocks are flying geese, but they are that is kinda cool. I love flying geese quilts right now.

I made some Strawberry Jam and it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Talk about the taste of Summer in a jar.

I have been working on Sam's quilt from time to time. Sometimes I have to hunt for it before I sit down to quilt because Sam knows it is his and he is already using it. It is all sticky in spots and he took the liberty to draw on it with a ballpoint pen. But after a trip through the wash it will be fine. Oh and I have to finish it some day too. I normally work on it after the kids go to bed and I try to watch the news. What the Heck is going on with the news? Do you all know? I have not been exposed to the TV for 3 years and I don't think I missed a thing during that time. Why do the news anchor people need to give their opinions? All I want is some
staunch old man to give me the facts and ONLY the facts. Between all the flashing lights and heavy makeup and personal opinions and big bleached smiles there is only a tiny bit of real news. This is very hard stuff to watch. There is so much going on in the world, but all I got today was 2 tourist aircraft collided over the Hudson River. OK...that should take about 4 minutes TOPS to report. On CNN some fella with spiked up hair and eyeliner was going on about "How if he was a
pilot he would be looking around for other aircraft" Come on! Who cares what you would do if you were a
pilot! This went on for the 2 HOURS I spent working on my new quilt while my husband took the kids to town. I just kept getting more and more annoyed. OK, I am finished unloading on is not your fault. Well it is not your fault as long as you are not Ted Turner. If you are Ted Turner I have quite a bean to pick with you.

I won some great fat quarters from the give away over on
Fresh Modern Quilts They are by Lizzy Dish and the collection is named Red Ribbon Day. Pretty cute I think.

I also finished these 2 blocks for my 8to8 group over on
Flickr. The guidance was for me to make a red block and an orange one. They are very big at 15.5 inches. Next I need to make some baskets....Those are giving me a bit of trouble, not because I think they will be hard, but because There are so many ways to make them! Maybe a sampler is in order.
Now besides these activities I have been leading kids around Vacation Bible school, Keeping My new cats separated due to the female being in heat and the male (her brother no less) being mighty turned on by her yowling, I have also washed about 9 thousand loads of laundry, unpacked, sorted and repacked about 200 boxes, met with Emma's teacher and entire teaching team, gone to a quilt guild meeting no one but me and my ride was at, visited JO ANNS fabric ( I have some issues with that shop too, but I will not go into it now- it deals with copyright though) tried to get to know my neighbors a bit, did school shopping, ate what might be the most wonderful thing on Earth (wedding cake mixed into frozen custard) oh and did a bit of hand sewing by the pool while the AC was broken.
OK, I need to go help with dinner. Take care everyone!
It's Lizzy House, not Lizzy Dish. Lizzy Dish was the name of one of her previous fabric collections. Love her designs and her blog -
Thanks for catching that! I always get her name and first collection wrong.
Love what you're doing with the geese - I looked at your orange block in Flickr and the contrast top stitching adds the perfect touch. Your Necchi is gorgeous! I need to have the cord on mine rewired so I can use it safely. I found it at a rummage sale for $2 and it's such a sturdy (and beautiful) machine. One last thing - if you're looking for a basket sampler, that's the theme my family is using for our next BOM. I have three block tutorials on my blog now, and I'll be adding another each month.
It is so nice that you get SETTLED so quickly. I do not know too many others who could bounce around as you do and still be smiling!! Congrats on your very happy attitude. Please do not let the NEWS figures bother you. We find a local channel and listen only to the local guys, they seem to get it right and are not so phony! I know it is HOT in Kansas, we spent our honeymoon in Topeka while he was in the sir force.what an awful experience it was! I come from the midwest with trees and grass.Kansas was a big surprise!Love the fabrics you have shown, also admire your new leather bags!! Gail
Love the stripey geese. I can't wait to see what you do with them. Oh, and I am soooooo with you on the news! Since returning to the US, I watch CNN about once a week and get so frustrated that I turn it off (I know better than to even start with the others). NPR on the radio is about the only way I can digest current events these days.
Have you been to visit Quilter's Quarters yet? It is a very nice quilt shop in Leavenworth.
Marci in Kansas City MO
okay what is the deal why do those flying geese look curved..are they curved? or are they quilted on a curve...are my eyes just bleeding with the beauty of your work?
Also..yeah..television, is a trip, we just got back from visiting family for several weeks. We don't have television and it is so overwhelming..and loud, and I had to keep asking people to turn it off because hello! my three year old does not need to watch judge judy..seriously now.
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