Look at this! We are in Quiltmania!!!! How awesome! My copy came yesterday and I brought it to the Vacation Bible School grand finale and BBQ, mostly I used it to fan myself as it is HOT HOT HOT here in Kansas, but my husband and I both read it while the kids were getting lined up in the hallway.
For those of you in Europe I think this magazine is pretty easy to come by and for everyone else it can be ordered fairly simply. I went to the
website and it was here in about 2 days. I have never looked through this magazine but I was very impressed with it. Not only are there some patterns to try, but there are some really impressive articles. Just going by this issue it seems to be a more sophisticated periodical that some of those here in the US.

Here is the cover, very nice don't you think?

And the article itself. You can click on this image and I think the article will be large enough for you to read. It is not all about the Bushfire quilt project, but about 1/4 of it is! Woot to us! I wish Kathy Mexted (the wonderful lady who wrote the article) could have named all those involved in this amazing project, I wish you could all see your name in print as a big thank you for participating.

Here is a close up of one of the shots. I was cropped out of the picture...boo hoo, but Apples and Gwen are there looking lovely. What a great thing to be involved in. Thank you again for sending your hard work, your love and your compassion. Thank you for your time and thank you for reaching out. It is cold in Australia now and your quilts are keeping people warm. They are able to wrap up in your prayers and each stitch is going to be an heirloom for them to keep for generations to come.
Jan of
OZ Comfort Quilts has passed all the quilts out that I sent her. Some I sent directly to people affected, but most went to Jan. She has a great blog where she has each and every quilt pictured and she talks about how she distributes them and who she gets the quilts from. Look through her site and see if you can find your blocks/ quilts.
Hi, what a shame you were cropped out of the picture. You did a fantastic job with the quilts. I'll go and have a look at Jan's site and look for my blocks. maria x
Hi Tia,
I have written a follow up blog post which might interest you. You did an amazing job. Congratulations, and a great legacy to leave behind in Oz.
Good luck with future projects.
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