Good morning everyone!
How has your week been? I sure hope it was better than mine. Our Air conditioning has just been fixed and is finally cooling off the house, my kitchen sink doesn't work and the fix it fella can't be here until Tuesday, my oven does not heat up and worse than that my Brunhilda has been in and out of the shop all week.I know all these things are tiny stupid problems, but add them to moving stress and it is a perfect storm of frustration for me.
See, I like to sew when I am frustrated, it gives me my control, but I couldn't sew because Brunhilda was ill. I had to take her in to Kansas City several times to have her fixed.

It is this piece that keeps breaking. It has something to do with the sensor for the thread tension. And when it is broken the machine does not work. I hope this is the last time I have to have it replaced since the spring that works with it was also broken. I have to give the Bernina Technicians my gratitude. They took me right in and repaired my machine. Joe Day let me hover at his side while he fixed her and then sat and watched me sew so we could make sure everything was going like it was supposed to. He suggested that maybe I sew too fast....but that is the only thing he can figure to cause the stress on the spring and this toothy thing. Well, I have slowed myself down some and we will see if that works better.

See, here are the Berninas together and acting so very sweet. Brunhilda is happy to be home.

Emma and I worked on this pillow together last night. She designed it and I did the sewing. I just got Bruni back, there is no way I am letting my little clone sit down behind it.

Here are E2 all ready for their last day of school! Emma has her pillow stuffed in the bag for her 2nd grade teacher and Ethan has his bag and a little hand written card that took him ages to get Just right.
I hope you all have a lovely Memorial Day weekend. Please keep the soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in your prayers. The war in the middle east is still going strong even if the news does not cover it. Yesterday
COL John McHugh was laid to rest here on Fort Leavenworth. The Main streets leading to the Cemetery were lined about 5 people deep standing at attention to pay their respect to him.
He and 4 others were killed on May 18th in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Will definitely keep COL McHugh's family in my prayers.
those bags are really cute :)
So I must know-- is your Bernina 820 worth the cost, even with the glitches that have sent you in for repairs? I want one because of the large throat and stitch regulator, have been saving for one, but I have people trying to convince me that I'd be just as happy with a Janome MC6600 or the new Horizon. I sew on an old Bernina 1030 right now and can't imagine any other brand, but there is a $5000-$6500 price difference there!
Hey there Krista!
I love my 820. I bought it because I was on the road to getting a long arm. I adore all the throat space. It makes quilting so very much easier than it ever was on my other Berninas. Now I do not like the Stitch regulator. I have been quilting too long and too fast to enjoy it. I do not reccomend the stitch regulator at all. I have taken 2 classes because I figured it was me and I just need to figure it out. Well, I am perfectly happy with my quilting with the darning foot so that is what I use. I am not familiar with the Janome machine you mentioned so I can't compare them, but I really love my 820 and have no byers remorse at all. I would buy it again in a heartbeat. They are very sensitive, and it has taken a couple trips to KC to figure out what I am doing that is making her so unhappy, but the problems are normally easily mended. Have you gone to one of the dealerships and tried one out? You will be sold as soon as you sit down in front of it.
Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions!
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